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                          30 - 45 minutes            



  • How to Lengthen a Necktie
  • 16 steps



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What you need

Step 1

              How to Lengthen a Necktie               
  • Measure for the length to add to the tie by measuring from the end of the tie to the belt loop.
  • Add five inches to that length. This is how long your fabric insert should be.
  • In this photo, the tie is 8 inches too short. Add the 8 inches to the 5 inches needed for seams. I need 13 extra inches for the fabric insert.

Measure for the length to add to the tie by measuring from the end of the tie to the belt loop.

Add five inches to that length. This is how long your fabric insert should be.

In this photo, the tie is 8 inches too short. Add the 8 inches to the 5 inches needed for seams. I need 13 extra inches for the fabric insert.


Step 2

  • In this step, measure to find out where to add the extra fabric to the tie, so that the insert will be hidden beneath the collar.
  • Measure from the clavicle to the belt loop.
  • Add two inches.
  • In this photo, the person is 22" from clavicle to belt loop, so I will insert the fabric at 24" from the wide tip of the tie.

In this step, measure to find out where to add the extra fabric to the tie, so that the insert will be hidden beneath the collar.

Measure from the clavicle to the belt loop.

Add two inches.

In this photo, the person is 22" from clavicle to belt loop, so I will insert the fabric at 24" from the wide tip of the tie.

Step 3

  • From the widest end of the tie, measure the desired length, in this case, 24 inches.
  • Mark the spot with a fabric marker. This is where you will cut the tie in Step 7.

From the widest end of the tie, measure the desired length, in this case, 24 inches.

Mark the spot with a fabric marker. This is where you will cut the tie in Step 7.

Step 4

  • Rip the seams along the back of the tie using a seam ripper.

Rip the seams along the back of the tie using a seam ripper.

Step 5

  • Remove the inner white section of the tie by folding outward and placing on the widest part of tie.

Remove the inner white section of the tie by folding outward and placing on the widest part of tie.

Step 6

  • Unfold the tie.
  • Measure the diagonal width of the tie.
  • You will cut the piece of fabric insert to this width.

Unfold the tie.

Measure the diagonal width of the tie.

You will cut the piece of fabric insert to this width.

Step 7

  • Using a rotary cutter on a cutting board, cut the tie diagonally along the section you marked with the fabric marker in Step 3.

Using a rotary cutter on a cutting board, cut the tie diagonally along the section you marked with the fabric marker in Step 3.

Step 8

  • Cut a piece of fabric to match the length and width desired.
  • In this case, I am adding a piece of fabric 13 inches long and 6 inches wide, but the measurements will be different for each person depending on the width of the tie and the length being added.

Cut a piece of fabric to match the length and width desired.

In this case, I am adding a piece of fabric 13 inches long and 6 inches wide, but the measurements will be different for each person depending on the width of the tie and the length being added.

Step 9

  • Pin the extra fabric along the cut portion of the tie so that added fabric forms a “V.”

Pin the extra fabric along the cut portion of the tie so that added fabric forms a “V.”

Step 10

  • Sew the insert in place.

Sew the insert in place.

Step 11

  • Pin second portion of original tie in place so that the original tie and the added fabric forms a “V”.

Pin second portion of original tie in place so that the original tie and the added fabric forms a “V”.

Step 12

Step 13

  • After sewing both ends in place, the tie should look like this.
  • Unfold the inner tie lay it back inside the tie.

After sewing both ends in place, the tie should look like this.

Unfold the inner tie lay it back inside the tie.

Step 14

  • Iron the inserted fabric so that it follows the fold pattern of the original tie.

Iron the inserted fabric so that it follows the fold pattern of the original tie.

Step 15

  • Hand sew down the entire length of the back of the tie.

Hand sew down the entire length of the back of the tie.

Step 16

  • The tie is now the desired length and will reach the belt when worn.

The tie is now the desired length and will reach the belt when worn.

This repair is a great knowledge to have for tall people who wear ties on a regular basis.

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                                      with 1 other contributor 

                    Mel Anderson                     

Member since: 06/13/2021

253 Reputation

                                      1 Guide authored                  



                       Idaho State University, Team S1-G3, Watkins Summer 2021                        

                                                  Member of Idaho State University, Team S1-G3, Watkins Summer 2021 


                                            1 Member                     

                                            1 Guide authored